
Team SudVelo-Ne Jetez Plus is a cycling club based in Montpellier.

We're a club which reflects the city and its metropolitan area's cosmopolitan identity ; we are French, English, German, American and more...basically we're an international, mixed club which also has an environmental message.  

Our Motto: Ride seriously without taking ourselves too seriously!

Rides: Every weekend there are Saturday and Sunday rides, mostly starting from Montpellier, with riders grouped by level ; We also ride local, national and international events ; cyclosportives, brevets, gravel and leisure rides.

Ecoteam: Our eco-action is focused on the Ne Jetez Plus! - Do Not Litter message, which encourages riders not to throw their rubbish on the ground. Our logo can be seen on jerseys and stands at rides and events throughout the year. We also help race organizers to keep their events as eco-friendly as possible. 

Please do get in touch if you want to find out more by email: Click here to email

We're also on Facebook and Instagram Facebook: Team Sud Vélo Ne Jetez Plus'! or Eco Team Ne Jetez Plus

Instagram: #teamsudvelo or #ecoteamnjetezplus

See you soon!,

Team Sud Vélo / Ne Jetez Plus!

Our Organized Events:

La Royal Camaguasise Randonnée/Brevt: An event with 4 routes from 60-150 kilometers in the heart of the Camargue. A gravel ride is also underwraps for the moment...

Le Pro Tour Héraultais: In partnership with 8 other regional clubs we combine our strengths to have a single event and share good cycling times.

Other club activities: We also have a multitude of projects throughout the year : the club training camp again in Spain on the Costa Brava in 2024, club rides in the Cevennes, long weekends in the Alps or the Pyrenees, cyclosportives, multi-stage mountain rides. How much fun can you have on a bike ? Lots !....

Objective: Cycling seriously without taking ourselves too seriously... !

Our Rides

Our regular ride start location:QuinQuin :


Saturday: Training rides for fit and experienced (mixed) riders : 90-150kms, mostly undulating terrain in winter and hill rides in the summer, strong pace. While we go north to the hills usually, we also ride to the Mediteranean and La Carmague

Sunday: Relaxed/recuperation rides (depending on group motivation!) : 60-90kms, moderate pace. This is a no drop ride and re-groups often. Get in touch if you want to try out a ride with us or you are concerned about pace.

Remember to bring plenty of water, especially in the summer. We stop regularly for water. Also bring food, especially on Saturday to keep your energy levels up. 

Do not litter!

Being a cyclist does not mean leaving our trash on the road! Join us in leaving nothing behind and share our message.

Our charming and organized club President Helen. A determined long distance cyclist

Ask your questions

Meet the webmaster. The persistent American.

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