Sud Vélo / Ne Jetez Plus p>To SIGN-UP NOW CLICK HERE

And for any contact

See a full route video with photo’s

To Watch the Video click here

It is the Royale Camarguaise!

But we don't only have a 150 kilometer route that leaves at 7:30, we also have

other routes: 60(Mini-Camarguaise), 80(Petit Camarguaise), and 115(Camarguaise) kilometers in the heart of the Camargue

With or without the Ferry in the wild (Bac du Sauvage)!

if you have bike computers with GPS, do not hesitate to download!

GPS Routes Clique ici

In addition to the Welcome Café and Sausage/Beer on completion,

Offered by our Partner @revedevelo - Lunel-EST,

Each participant, will be given:

* A town by town route,

* A tape of the color of your course choice (to help identify those off course),

* And our best wishes for a great ride!

Flat courses, fabulous landscapes: Bulls, Toros, ducks,

Flemish Roses, Horses, Hills, etc... The ferry of the wild, rice, salt,

The sea, ponds, reeds, seagulls, salt, spray

Sailors, iodine, mistral (Ouch!) Etc...

We start in the Hérault, we pass the Vidourle, then we are in the Gard,

We go to Aigues Mortes, then the Bouches du Rhône (with or without the

Bac du Sauvage) to reach Les Saintes Marie de la Mer (on the 115 and 150 km route only).

The other two courses will also make you discover our beautiful region.

Returns from the routes will always be on typical roads, in

part on a bike path Via RHONA from Gallician to

Pont des Touradons and the Tour Carbonnière then at the store @Revedevélo- Lunel Is!

Register in advance with your participant lists.

Price of 8EUR if registered in advance with the name of each participant

Price 10EUR on day of event


While respecting nature with our Don't Throw Away motto!!


Royal Camarguaise 148 Kilometers

Camarguaise 115 Kilometers

Petit Camarguaise 81 Kilometers

Mini Camarguaise 60 Kilometers

THE RULES for the events:

This ride is open to all:

It is not a competition

Wearing a helmet is mandatory

Young people under the age of 18 not accompanied by an adult, must bring and present parental authorization

Every participant must comply with the highway code

It is mandatory to comply with the health constraints of the moment


And for any contact

We are waiting for you for this spring ride where it will be warm and it will not rain!!!

Have a good adventures until then

Sud Vélo - Ne Jetez Plus


Long live the bike!